Rain or Shine! . . . or snow!
As an intern we are required to log a certain number of hours at our chosen internship. To be exact we need at least 150 hours over the course of one semester. As many of us are full time students and have other jobs, it can certainly be a lot; but the experience here at Gravity DesignWorks is more than worth it. Personally I’m not here because I need to be, I’m here because I want to be; and no I’m not just saying that.
Since starting I find myself showing up earlier than scheduled and leave later each night. Even if that means feeding the meter outside all day! Some days like today when there is a nasty blanket of snow and sleet on the road, the school behind the our building gets a snow day. . . thus who ever is in charge of plowing . . . doesn’t.
Either way, getting some good designing done on a crisp and chilly Friday is rewarding and relaxing end to my week.