How to survive the slow times.
Here at Gravity we like to use all of our time wisely. We sometimes get what we consider slow times, which occur at any point between those times when you want to rip your hair out or find the nearest cliff. The past couple days had been a little quiet so we took the time to spruce up the old entry way and rebrand the doors with our new design aesthetic. Judging by this blog picture we need to do something about the mailbox as well huh? We also found some time to finally update our portfolio and address some other website issues, and of course write this blog <sarcasm>which I am sure all of you were begging to see</sarcasm>.
We have also refocused our energy on promoting our Vehicle Wraps, those of you who subscribe to our mailing list will see a fresh Constant Contact regarding that subject very soon. In the mean time feel free to browse around the site, share some things to Facebook and help our social media presence & search engine ranking grow, we will certainly appreciate it!